I am a researcher-developer of consciousness and an entrepreneur. Currently, I manage the enterprise home of the Palucki Method, a novel human-led method for healing trauma and past pains that has breakthrough characteristics. We seek to grow availability of the method for both general trauma sufferers as well as for leadership.
Before that, in 2015, I co-invented a VR-brain computer interface software for learning & training meditation and progressive states of consciousness. I have engaged in interdisciplinary research with neuroscientists and clinical psychologists. I was a member of the Neuroscience Research Group led by renowned Dr. Michael A. Persinger at LU, Ontario (2015-17), presented & exhibited at conferences s.a. “The Science of Consciousness”, in Tucson, “Science and Nonduality” and “Transformative Technology” both in Silicon Valley as well as at Harvard. I have also co-authored a published clinical study.
I am on the creative continuum between invention and discovery and came up with emergence in semantics (1998) and novel media applications for emerging technologies, s.a. software for realtime video improvisations (2000), video-mapping for theatrical arts (2005), ultra-high-res composite photography (2005), visualizations of brain-activity in VR (2014). Originally from visual arts, I studied Design at Goldsmiths College, London, Experimental Media and Visual Communication at University of the Arts, Berlin, with a diploma in design. My work has been seen on art-festivals, single & group exhibitions and in museum group exhibitions. It has received awards: e.g. the Marler Video Art Award Special Prize, the Focus Award @School of Applied Sciences Dortmund, the Mandala Award of the European Institute for the Media.
I love to be home in the world and happy to have lived in seven countries and worked in nine. I engaged in or led productions in Canada, London, Berlin, Tokyo, Taiwan, Thailand, Burma, Nepal and New York. I practiced a multitude of ancient and futuristic awareness techniques. In South Asia, I lived five years at the interface of Hindu-Buddhist traditions, ritual and ancient theatrical arts and co-produced several intensives on this topic. Honored to have co-authored an operatic show about climate change for the United Nations’ 60th anniversary in Asia which was performed in the conference hall of the UN ESCAP headquarters.
I love to be in awe, engage in experiencial modalities and mountain bike. I also provide >coaching to help get into behavioral plasticity, flow-state, purpose & wellbeing.